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What’s So Amazing About Grace?  

We’ve sung Amazing Grace hundreds of time, no doubt, and used the word thousands of time in prayer and praise.  But what do we know about grace?  How can we wrap our minds around grace—a concept that does not come naturally to us?  In this study, we will dive into the deep meaning of God’s grace to us and all that entails.  This five-week study includes a biblical introduction to grace, and how we can truly learn to live in grace and grow in grace.  You’ll have a much deeper understanding and appreciation of God’s grace to you—and you’ll be able to answer the question: “What so amazing about grace?”

We hope you have been blessed by this Bible study. Please feel free to listen to each message once again below.

The Staff of The Christian Working Woman

(By registering for this Zoom Bible Study, you are giving permission to The Christian Working Woman to use your image or video portion for its promotional pieces.)

June 1: Lesson #5: “Before the Throne of Grace”

Lesson 5HO Grace

Challenge Sheet – Dispensing Grace

May 25: Lesson #4: “Becoming a Grace-Full Woman

Lesson 4HO Grace-

Become an intentional dispenser of God’s Grace. Keep a record each day this week.

Challenge Sheet – Dispensing Grace.


May 18: Lesson #3: “Living in Grace”

Lesson 3HO Grace

May 11: Lesson #2: “Undeserved Grace”

Grace Zoom 2HO-


May 4: Lesson #1: “Meet Grace”

Lesson 1HO Grace