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This Five-week Zoom Bible Study has ended, but we invite you to view the recorded sessions below. We hope they will bless and encourage you!

Striving for a Balanced Life:  Determining What’s Important and Doing It Well!  Led by Mary Lowman, founder of The Christian Working Woman.


The more we learn to live by biblical principles, the more we will balance our lifestyles, get our priorities in line, and avoid spending time and energy on things that are not really important. In this study we will look at such topics as knowing when and how to say “No,” how to avoid taking on false guilt, the importance of an eternal perspective, biblical principles for reducing stress, etc.  It is an on-going effort to know and find where the boundary lines are and achieve God’s balance for our lives. I believe this short study will encourage, equip, and empower you in that in that pursuit.


By registering for this Bible study, you are giving permission to The Christian Working Woman to use any and all images from the Zoom meeting screens in their promotional materials.

Lesson 2HO Balance

Verse of the week to memorize:

2 Corinthians 4:18: So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.