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Is it possible to design your life with joy? That sounds nice, right, but what does it even mean? It’s impossible to design a lifestyle when the objective is abstract, but with joy, it doesn’t have to be this way.

With our Bibles open, Juni Felix will help us discover what designing a life with joy means for us. We’ll talk about the joy of community found in Nehemiah 8:18, and the joy of completion or wholeness in Christ found in John 15:11. Together, we’ll discover what completion means and dare to believe that God’s grace is absolutely sufficient no matter what. So please join us as we head into this Thanksgiving and Christmas season with a joy that will outlast any holiday.

If you have any questions, please contact Sherri at tcww@christianworkingwoman.org

Juni Felix is a woman of prayer. A member of Dr. BJ Fogg’s (Stanford) Behavior Design Teaching Team, bestselling author of You are Worth the Work: Moving Forward from Trauma to Faith, a C.S. Lewis Institute Fellow, speaker, Midday Host for Moody Radio Chicago, and a Tiny Habits® Coach who has long used the method to help others transform lives and relationships with God. Through her speaking, broadcasting, and podcasting ministries, she is an encourager to people around the world.