Would you like to...

  • Conform to the image of Christ?
  • Experience consistent victory over sin in your life?
  • Recognize and defeat the attacks of Satan?
  • Comfort and counsel people you love using Scripture?
  • Successfully communicate your faith to unbelievers?
  • Overcome fear and worry?

All of these and more are yours when you make Scripture memorization a prime focus of your life. Note what these two giants of the faith said about this spiritual discipline:

“If I had to choose between all the disciplines of the spiritual life, I would choose Bible memorization, because it is a fundamental way of filling our minds with what it needs.” –Dallas Willard

“I know of no other single practice in the Christian life more rewarding, practically speaking, than memorizing Scripture. . . . No other single exercise pays greater spiritual dividends!”–Chuck Swindoll

Maybe you’ve tried but didn’t succeed too well. Maybe you have decided you just can’t memorize. Maybe you think you’re too old or too busy—or whatever other excuse you may have. Those are all lies from your enemy to keep you from the great blessing of Scripture memorization.

But how? That’s where The Hidden Word can help you.

The Details

  • You sign up to be a part of this program through our private Facebook group. No cost involved; just a sincere commitment that you will give it a truly honest try.
  • We will memorize a new Scripture passage each month. We will be memorizing the NIV, but you are free to use another version.
  • We will provide a PDF of the Scripture we are memorizing for each month. 
  • Within the private Facebook community we will provide helps, tips and encouragement! And you’ll be able to connect with other women who are memorizing Scripture.
  • When you have successfully quoted the month’s Scripture to someone–a family member, friend, coworker– by the end of each month, you will be invited to share your success in the group.

If you have any questions, contact us at tcww@christianworkingwoman.org.We will be participating right along with you, so we heartily invite you to join us as we hide God’s Word in our hearts!

For our good and his glory!


Following are some resources and ideas to help you memorize Scripture. To download a copy of this passage click the button below.

  • Use a Bible app to listen to the passage.
  • Make copies and place where you will see them often.
  • Write one verse out on a mirror or white board that you see regularly.
  • Write the passage out as a way of testing your memory.
  • Download a Scripture memory app to help you.
  • Recite it out loud.
  • Pray the section of Scripture.
