It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


Pray for my one son’s salvation and for the other one to learn to walk closely with Christ and be able to support himself using his God-given talents.


Requesting prayer for my job search and also for guidance and direction for probably the last chapter of my career.


Pray for me to hear and follow Christ’s will as I face formal EEO and filing with Native American Human Rights commission for work place injustices/inhumanity/violence.


Brianne has recently found Jesus; please pray that she finds a solid group of believers to study his Word as she grows in her faith.


That I recover fully from a cold in time for my Saturday flight to Tucson for my first vacation in eight years.


I need physical healing and an outpouring of God’s blessing. But more than this, I yearn to be in God’s perfect will and plans for my life. I’m asking him to order my steps.


Please pray that Ivory does not have anything wrong with her and we get assurance the spot on her lung is benign soon.


Please pray for Fernando and his co-workers. They have witchcraft problems with a colleague. They have unexplained accidents and breakdowns in their work instruments. A few years ago, a colleague died suddenly and another suffered severe burns in a work accident. Thank you, brothers and sisters. Blessings.


1. Physical healing and improved health
2. Spiritual healing
3. Change in stepson’s behavior and attitude
4. Partner to get a kidney to do his transplant
5. Better relationship with Christ
6. Ability to be in a better financial position to assist others
7. Promotion at work


I pray for faith to continue trusting God. That he will lead my family to where he wants us to be; to open and close doors where he wants us. That I will be sensitive to God speaking to me and have an obedient heart to follow him.


Praying for restoration, daughter / grandchildren, estranged. For their healing .. .in need of contacts for building a Christ family.


Please pray for my brother to move out of spiritual lukewarmness and recommit his life to Christ.
And my daughter Renae wears prescription glasses currently. Please pray for healing of Renae’s eyesight.