It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


Pray for my mother Eileen to have peace about her life & to forgive her children for perceived wrongdoings.


Pray for my son and his family that they come to Christ. He was baptized as a child but has fallen away and not taken his children to church. I do what I can to spread the gospel to this family and continue to pray that they will receive God’s love and salvation.


For my divorce to be approved by the judge (after 10 years of separation)

For my sons to grow spiritually and live a life that reflects God’s goodness.

For my spiritual growth. That the fruits of the spirit my grow abundantly in my life. That I may not fear to remain single and to completely surrender my need to control my life and the life of my children. And that if it is God’s will that I be able to adopt a little girl.


Please pray for reconciliation and healing in my family. Two of my children are estranged from each other.


Please pray for Darnel and Keith to receive salvation.


My 18 year old daughter is struggling with her identity and has now told us that she wants to be with women and that she is not interested in following our Christian God and will no longer come to church with us. Please pray for restoration of her heart to God and renewal of her mind. Please pray for me as well as this current situation with my child has added a feeling of hopelessness; questioning and despair.


Please pray that I be delivered from the spirit of fear and self-doubt and that God will give me the confidence that comes from him alone.


Please dear Jesus keep his heart and mind in your direction and draw his heart to full obedience to you.


Pray for my Dad, a senior who will be going overseas. Pray for his safety, health and protection.

Pray for my brother who is in emotional pain. Pray he finds freedom in Christ and healthy Christian fellowship.

Pray for me as I have preaching engagements this month and the next. Pray for God’s financial provision.

Pray all our minds will be thoroughly renewed in the Word of God and prayer.


My wife has travelled to Saudi Arabia for work. I and our son will miss her for 2 years, please pray for her safety.


Please pray that God sends me a husband. Please also pray for my cat Strawberry’s safety. My heart is really hurting a lot.


I would like to pray for peace and strength to overcome my fears in my new career. I would also like prayer for my husband and children. Thank you