It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


I’ve been walking with the Lord for over 40 years and I know that God is always held my hand and helped me. Recently, I have been feeling really alone. I know Jesus is with me, but physically right here I feel alone. I so desperately want a husband. Please pray that God would send me a husband. And my second prayer request would be finances. I have a job and I desire to buy a house and I don’t qualify and I want to pay off my car. I appreciate you ladies and thank you so much for lifting my prayers.


Please pray for my sister who is battling stage 4 lung cancer. Please pray for her pain to be well controlled, her appetite and taste buds to return, and her energy to be renewed.


Please pray God would call me. Ready. No more anguish.


Please pray for me to be healed from this anxiety disorder. Thank you.


Please help us in prayer. Our landlord is putting his apartment that we are renting up for sale before we sign our lease renewal, which is up at the end of June, I pray that the lord will help us find a new place to live. Please also pray for my mom as she is a widow and is struggling financially.


Please pray fervently Diane’s symptoms go away completely soon and she is healthy!


To help me become a better worker. To become more patient; watch my voice tone; pause or think before responding; come up with positive options before responding so others won’t take it negatively; better eye contact; slow down and become calmer; not to take things personally – mistakes happen; apologize if I slip up; be a better listener; learn to paraphrase if I don’t understand what is being said; bring positive energy to the office and be the worker God wants me to be.


I had a stroke last year and it has left me unable to speak. My wife has neglected me and said she would leave me if not for the kids. Please pray for my family.


Pray for my anxiety to go away so that my faith and spirit can be restored.


Please pray for my daughter’s family. My grandson Jacob is autistic. He is 10 years old and none-verbal and still incontinent. A little frustrating for my daughter.


Please pray for my families physical protection in Chile.


I am begging God to take me home. There is nothing in this life for me, nor do I want it. I pray to God that he would call me home that is the only thing I truly want.