It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


I would be so grateful if you could pray for me. I have been dealing with pneumonia for the past three weeks and it’s been a slow recovery. I agree in prayer that God would touch me from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet.


I’m 70 and my adult 30-year-old daughter stopped talking to me last year. I’ve been alone for Thanksgiving and Christmas and this year no contact from her for Mother’s Day. My heart is so broken. She’s my only child. I fear I will be alone again this year.


Please pray for healing for a young friend who is an alcoholic. She was sober but recently she reconnected with an old friend who is not a good influence for her. She has started partying with this friend. I pray she feels God’s mighty presence and that He removes her from this toxic relationship.



Please pray for me; life is hard right now and I need to know that God is still in control and will provide.


I know I have to forgive my family for what they did, but I need prayer for forgiveness and letting go the past.


I ask for prayers for healing restoration for my sibling who has dementia. Also asking for protection over me, other siblings and our children from dementia-deliver family from mental illness.


I’m sad, lonely, depressed and have poor health. I’m really struggling. No family that cares or can help me. Please pray for me.


Please pray for financial needs so that I can keep my business running.


Please pray for good exam results.


Prayer for an urgent housing miracle.


I have been the victim of a senior scam. Please pray for protection for me from further contact from these scammers and that I can recover some of the money I lost. Please also pray for my peace of mind and freedom from anxiety. Please pray for peace in my home and healing for my dog, Jerry, who is old and failing.


Please pray God would take me home now.