It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


Please join me in prayer. For about two or three days I have felt a spirit of hatred towards my sister. She doesn’t treat me well, but I don’t want to hate her.


Please pray for my brother George. He’s been out of work for over 7 months and has been having trouble finding a job.
He’s a programmer and the technology industry has been hit hard by the recession. He is worried about not finding a job, especially considering his age.


Please pray regarding the lack of passion and purpose in my life. I am just going through the motions and ‘surviving’. I pray Jesus will move radically in me. I pray my work life will dramatically improve and I pray for physical healing.


I have been cheated and lost lots of money. I am single with a daughter in school. Please pray that God redeems this situation and provides for our needs.



Please pray for the health and protection of my family. Pray to God to free them from a brain tumor, brain cancer, leukemia, aneurysm, embolism and all deadly and dangerous diseases, pray the Lord protects them from all kinds of dangers on the streets, subways and everywhere. Pray for my mother’s physical and mental health, that her blood pressure would stabilize and her energy restored.


Please pray for my relationships with my bosses; that they would be favorable, trustworthy and respectable. Pray that I will grow in confidence in speaking with people, that I will grow in my professional life, and that I will receive my US citizenship.


Please pray that my family would seek first the kingdom of God. That the Holy Spirit would ignite a passion for God in their hearts, minds and souls. Thank you.


Prayer for husband’s health issues, patience & wisdom for myself, healing for granddaughter and my daughter’s addiction to alcohol. Pray that I will spend more time in God’s Word and prayer.


Please pray for Kyle who keeps lying to have physical, emotional and fraudulent interactions with people in person and online. Pray that God puts a stop to his behavior and that Kyle will repent and find salvation through Jesus Christ.

I am one he harmed but there have been many. I need restoration, healing and cleaning.  I need Psalms 91 protection and the victory of Psalm 35.


Please pray for the unborn children and for God to place in our court system those who will protect these unborn lives.


Please pray for my family, my work week, my co workers and their families. Pray for my boyfriend’s family and most importantly pray for the broken world.


Please pray for me, I feel that God is against me and has abandoned me. All I had in this life is gone or really hard.