It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


Please pray for Leo who has an addiction to porn. Also, for our marriage.


I am in a job that I thought would be my dream job and I do not like it at all. I am actively looking for a new job and I have a lot of skills to offer. Please pray about this with me.


Please pray that God brings in business to my company; we need the work.


Prayers needed for daughter and husband to quit drinking and return to God. And wisdom for me.


Husband’s eyes needed healing from thyroid. He’s getting care from his doctor but his eyes still need healing. Thank you.


Pray for me and my 3yr old son Benjamin that God continues to keep us covered in the safety of his arms. Pray for good health this year, and the healing of his chronic nose bleeds. Also, pray I continue to grow in Christ. I have a number of things before God and looking for his guidance.


Pray for salvation for all my unsaved family members. Pray for deliverance from homosexuality for my grandson, for reconciliation and restoration for my family and protection for all family members.


As I undergo a stem cell transplant, please pray for guidance and wisdom for the specialist and the team and peace for me and total healing as the outcome to glorify God’s will for my life in all of this.


Please pray for my daughter for truth, clarity, forgiveness, restoration, and reconciliation with my husband and I. Pray she communicates with us. Pray for her safety and for telehealth counseling sessions.


Please pray for me as I have been involved in a scam that has left me in debt. I am a single mom and need a miracle. Please pray for my anxiety and that God would provide a mentor to help me get through this so I don’t feel all alone.


I have just applied for a part-time special education teacher job and I would love to get it! Please pray for favor for me and that I get the job. I need a job and this would be a great job for me. Thank you.


Pray for me for I am in a challenging relationship that I should get out of but I love this man. Pray that I will be obedient to God and that this man finds Christ.