It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


Pray for Patti as she travels today. And pray that God blesses the work of her hands in all she must do.


Please pray for Hettie’s spiritual and physical healing. Also, please pray for Alma’s physical healing.


Please pray for my daughter, she is carrying a lot on her plate right now. Pray that she keeps her eyes on God and receives his strength, peace and wisdom she needs each day as she seeks to serve her family faithfully.


Please pray for me; I am a widow of 5 years and am struggling with my business, family relationships and sudden loss of dear friends. I know my Lord knows my heart during these valleys. Please pray that I stay strong and faithful and have wisdom for the days ahead.


Pray to heal Viola’s physical and emotional needs. And that she knows the peace of God in her life. Pray also for Magdalena, that she will be free from depression that she too will know the peace of God in her life.


Thank you for your prayers – I got the job! Please pray that I will be the leader and employee the Lord has created me to be. That the Lord will use me to be an example. To have the wisdom, courage, knowledge, ability, understanding, compassion and self-control to be an effective leader and servant of my team. I pray that I will be a good mentor in someone’s life.


Please pray that my husband and I have the adequate resources to support our family, my mom and brother. Pray also that I will get my permanent residency.


Prayer for healing and return home.


Please pray for my girlfriend, Anna Maria, who is searching for God. Pray she accepts his love and forgiveness for her and that she will be able to trust him in her healing.


Pray to heal Viola’s physical and emotional healing. And pray for Magdalena, free her from depression and bring her peace.


Please pray for Nigeria and fellow Christians in that area. We need protection and victory.


Please pray that B’s procedure goes safely and smoothly, and the test results will be normal and nothing needs to be sent out. Thank you!