It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


Pray for reconciliation with my daughter.


I am 27 years old, and I have no godly friends or any relatives. I would like to find a godly husband who has a good connection to his family since I don’t have a family of my own. I am in the military 8 years now but it’s not a good place for a true Christian woman. Please pray for a solid Christian man for me.


Dear friends, pray to the Lord for my protection at work, pray for good relationships with my co-workers and manager, pray that I am a good witness of God’s love and grace.
Also pray for my husband, that he would find joy in caring and loving our family.


Please pray for mercy and a miracle.


Please pray for me, for God to move in my workplace; that God grants me favor in his sight and the sight of men. Also, join me in praying for family’s salvation, friends, and coworkers.


Please pray for the sale of two properties and for our financial situation.


Please pray for the physical, mental and spiritual health of my mother.


Some time ago I became involved with an occult group and ever since then I’ve been struggling with these severe psychic attacks in my mind. The pain can be unbearable at times! Please pray for me as I no longer want the occult group to bother me and that I will be freed from these psychic attacks.


Please pray for Susan and Chito’s marriage and for Thomas and Melissa’s marriage. Pray they fight for their marriages and may God heal and restore their relationships. Pray also for Leo Jr. that God may provide a Job for him today as his visa is going to expire this month.


Please pray for health for us, finances for the business, God’s people and for what happened to me at Bible college. Pray for our calling, book writing, memory and learning ability, wisdom and ministry.  Pray that God makes us anew: Attractive, appealing and looking like ABBA.


Please pray that I can find a way to move out of my current household; I need healing. Pray that God opens doors and gives me the courage I need to move out. Pray also for my parents to find salvation in God.


Please pray for the Russell family as Melissa was just diagnosed with late stage pancreatic cancer. They have 7 kids ranging from ages 10-19 and this has been very heavy on all of them. .