It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


Blessings for Fernando, Emilian and Lando. Thank you very much Jesus! Thank you very much brothers and sisters! God bless you!


Please lift up me and my boyfriend, Brandon in prayer. God, I ask that you soften his heart, bring gentleness and understanding. Remove all selfishness, bitterness, self-seeking arrogance and aggression. We’ve had a troubled week and miscommunication, and I asked that God bring peace bring reconciliation.


Please pray that my F1 Visa that was refused under 221G gets cleared in July, before my classes start (on August 26); so that I can start my PhD in the US. Also pray that my interview for TAship tomorrow goes well.


Father dying in hospital on life support in his 90s. Brother needs to decide asking for God’s guidance to the correct one. Prayer that my sister will not create a scene and chaos.


I am seeking prayer for Joshua and Lian’s marriage, which is at a critical stage. Pray that God will be honored in their relationship.


Please pray that the Lord would open an opportunity for me to move back to Texas to be near my family.


Please pray for the recovery and complete healing of our friend and neighbor…that he be free from pain and have a good appetite and be cured by the blood of Jesus! And please pray for his devoted wife who is caring for him. They have tremendous faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus. Thank you for your prayers on their behalf.


I am requesting prayer for my younger sister Amelia, who is 23 years old and is doing fentanyl. Please pray for her to really want help and getting sober.


Pray that our country will repent and turn to God.


Please pray for me. I have severe tooth pain. Pray also for my husband for traveling mercies, his vehicle and health. Pray that the Lord leads him to a regular job Monday through Friday that pays well & is local. Pray for my son who is 17. Pray for my brother-in-law who has cancer. Pray for my family’s home, vehicles and safety. Pray for my 2 daughters. Prayers for my aunt who is recovering from kidney stones. Pray for my aunt who sometimes gets anxiety. Prayers for our church services and prayers for our pastors and congregation.


Please pray fervently Snowy’s vision is not damaged, and her blood pressure goes back to normal! Please pray that the blood pressure medicine works to lower her blood pressure and there is no serious underlying issue! Thank you!


Please pray for my cousin who is ill. That she will feel better soon and for her family and son.