It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


Please pray for me as I am healing physically and as I witness to those around me.


Request prayer for son, his wife Faith and kids, Ariel and Eli, for healing, protection, deliverance, salvation, break every stronghold, peace, and rest. Pray for my son to stop drinking, deliverance from alcohol, protection and blessing for the entire family: that they are set free.


My thyroid cancer is back & cancer may have spread to my chest/lungs. I live in S.C. and will be traveling to TX to MD Anderson Cancer Center on Aug 10th. I was recently laid off. I pray for healing and finances. I am having problems regarding wrong thinking. I need God to transform my way of thinking. Please pray for peace, strength, and safe travels.


Prayer for me to have focus and discipline with school. I have recently enrolled in adult education to obtain my GED and to seek a career as a phlebotomist. I know I will need God’s hand to be in the entire process.


Please pray with me for financial freedom along with my continued growth in the Lord.


Please pray for success in a dear relationship. Pray that all obstacles are removed and that I remain obedient to God.


Please pray for my peace in the midst of a family challenge and that I will continue to keep my mind on the Lord and not worry. Pray for God’s direction in my family’s life.


Please pray for my children as they return to the Philippines to visit elderly parents. Pray for God’s protection over them and provision for them. They travel from August 2-28.


Please pray for my daughter to find truth, forgiveness, and restoration with my husband and I. Pray she communicates with us, for her safety, for the right man of God for her, and for telehealth counseling sessions.


Please pray for a recent transition that I have made, that I will be able to find a solid local church and community that I can become part of.


Pray that Tim will love me unconditionally and stay faithful to me as he promised he would.


Please pray for Gary’s salvation and for Brandon to soften his heart toward me. My life feels devastated. I do not feel God’s love or guidance though I seek it daily.