It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


Please lift my husband in prayer. He has submitted several applications and his resume for new employment. Please pray that the next organization will be faith based and Jesus centered.


Complex situation at work, difficult knowing what is the right God honoring thing to do or not do. Please pray for wisdom.

Carla and McKenzie

Please pray that God will release us from the negative and controlling family relationships that surround us. Pray that we have courage and strength to stand firm and in love.


Please pray for my health as I have many health issues that are negatively affecting my business, family and life. Pray that God heals me or gives me the strength to carry on. Please pray that my appointment with my rheumatologist goes well and that God helps me with the outcome of my results. Please also pray for our finances that God will continue to provide all we need.

Please pray for my friend Mariam who is in constant pain and also has many health issues that God helps her and bless her.


Pray for the protection of my job. There are changes going on at work that are harming many. Pray that God will continue to provide and open doors for me to make the money I need to pay my bills.

Mary Kathleen

I am experiencing muscle and joint pain morning and night. I feel anxious about my health as all lab tests are normal. Pray for my physical healing.


May my daughter-in-law June have a safe C-section delivery of her 1st child Wednesday and may this child be brought up to know the Lord Jesus.


Please pray for my workplace. It was once unified, and now it is not. It had a great reputation as a place where everyone was included and respected. However, our strong Christian leaders have either left or retired. People are not invested in each other and do not work fluidly as a team. Gossip is everywhere, and no one takes a moment to think of what it is like to be in the other person’s shoes. Pray that we will get good leadership and strong coworkers who model an attitude of caring about everyone.


I received correspondence from my husband’s lawyer stating that he is filing for divorce. Can you please pray that God will strengthen me through this process and he will work out everything for his glory? Thank you.


Pray for salvation and passion for Christ for Gary, Brandon Dylan, Randy and all family.


Please pray for my sister who is sick. May God heal her spiritually and mentally, in Jesus name.


Please pray that God would help me in my loneliness and bring good Christian friends in my life. I’m an older single woman. Prayer also for wanting to move back to Dallas.