It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


I have severe pain in my kidney and back. Please pray for my healing. It feel like demonic attacks. I want Jesus to heal me.


Please pray for the restoration of our marriage.


Joseph is suffering from a condition where any physical activity will cause him to become physically sick. It has been difficult for him to deal with this condition. Doctors have not been able to diagnose his illness. Please pray for his recovery.


Please pray for emotional, physical, and mental healing and dental health for me. And a better income.


I’m asking for prayer for the return of my wife, Cindy, and restoration in my marriage. Please pray that unforgiveness is removed and the Lord fills our hearts with love for each other. Please also pray for a new job for me.


I am isolated, no church, or church family, depressed, work part time and pay my bills, waiting for the Rapture…i don’t even know what to pray for. Thank you for your program.


I am a teenage boy, a believer, and am asking you to pray for me so that I may have health, happiness, prosperity, love, success and everything will be fine with me.


Please pray for the following:
1. Thomas – Deliverance from gluttony and undisciplined lifestyle. After consulting with the doctor his organs are mostly in border situation. God have mercy on his health.
2. Leo – Healing from enlargement of the prostate.
3. Emelda – Healing from Thyroid cancer, flu and cough and colon problem.


Please pray for my protection from the hate and bullying of my boss. Pray that truth will be spoken, gossip will stop and relationships will be healed. Pray that my honor and good work will be recognized. And that my boss will learn to be a good and fair leader.


In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray for deliverance and protection from evil, reconciliation with Jim and for his infidelity to cease. That he will immediately come home to me today and realize how special our marriage was and he that will start trying to repair our marriage and he will break up with the other woman today and completely stay away from her forever. in Jesus’ name.


Please pray fervently that Beth and her teammates are not affected by the layoffs at work and to have assurance of it soon!


Please pray for my family. My wife, who does not know God, wants a divorce. Our two children are suffering. Please pray that God intervenes and brings healing to our marriage and family.