It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


I am asking for prayers for all my aliments that I have had for many years.


Please pray that our son’s financial aid comes through immediately so he can stay in college. My husband and I are extremely stressed and losing sleep regarding it. Thank you in advance for standing with us in prayer.


Pray for the healing of Reymond’s back pain and vomiting. Also for the healing of Thomas who has an ear infection.


Please pray for my brother, Greg, who had hernia surgery a week ago. Please pray that he heals quickly and will take it easy to allow his body to heal.


Please pray for my physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Also, please pray for Cordelia’s physical healing and strength.


Kindly please pray for physical and mental healing for Raj.


My husband has filed for divorce. I am devastated and need the comfort and strength of Jesus. Please pray me through this time.


Please pray for good relations with our landlord and that she is gracious and kind.


I have struggled with pornography for so so long and I’m tired and I want to be delivered from it! Please help me in prayer to finally be delivered from this addiction to live a life full of God and his promises.


Tomorrow morning the DA decides whether to prosecute my soon to be ex-husband for doing inappropriate things to my oldest son, I am asking for prayers! I am asking that they prosecute him, and my boys are safe and I get full custody.


Please lift prayers for my husband’s thyroid removal surgery and the tendon torn in my right foot. Thank you.


I am very concerned about an appointment on Tuesday morning. Please pray that I will have God’s peace and that the situations will resolve very easily.