It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


Pray for our prayers to be answered in Jesus Christ’s Name. Amen


Pray for my daughter who lost her job; that God would provide one soon.


I’m a Christian teen from Bavaria and my parents aren’t Christian. I’d like you to pray for their salvation.


Asking for prayer for my mother, Cathy, who is having trouble with her hip. Asking for physical and emotional healing and a financial breakthrough.
I am asking for prayer for my dad, Billy, he is going through chemotherapy right now and it is making him very sick and weak. Please pray for his strength and complete healing of his cancer. Please pray for my daughter, Alycia, when she goes to have her stress test done, a year ago she had open heart surgery, just asking God to continue to bless her and keep her healthy. Please also pray for a recent job interview she is waiting to hear back from. This job will lower her stress.


I am in so much pain in my arm. I can’t work and I’m worried about my job and what could happen next. Please pray for my peace and health.


Please pray that I will succeed in my job, pray that God will teach me to communicate and build relationship with customers, and be recognized for my hard work.


Please pray for healing deliverance and salvation for all my unsaved children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Thank you and God bless.


My 26-year-old son, Justin, has been overcome with an ailment that the doctors cannot see or find. There is a lot of anxiety over his physical health. Please pray for wisdom and discernment as we seek continued help from doctors. Pray for peace and comfort for us both as we walk this trial.


Please pray for God’s healing for Yvonne as she recovers from her heart surgery and please pray that Yvonne has a speedy recovery. Also please pray for God’s peace for me because I am very scared of losing Yvonne.


November 9 I see doctors regarding a nose surgery, please pray for wisdom and for clear communication with all medical staff involved.


Wednesday my daughter has a court date re: visitation for her 2 young sons. We are asking God to let my daughter prevail, yet not our will but God’s perfect will be done. Please pray for strength and courage for my daughter no matter the court’s decision. May she exhibit God’s grace & mercy.


My son Daniel has global delay. He has low muscle tone, scoliosis, partial hearing loss and speech delay. He is 7yrs old. Please pray that he can catchup with his peers.