It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


Pray to the Lord for the protection of my family in Santiago of Chile. Pray that God will protect them from all kind of evil people.


Pray for us, we have struggled to conceive but we are trusting for fruit of the womb and have prayed Hannah’s prayer in desperation. My husband is also trusting God.

We also need a larger house to accommodate my ageing parents. We want them with us. We are praying for a safe area and right price.

Please also pray for part-time employment for me.


Please pray the Lord will give me his choice for an attorney and much wisdom and guidance on how to proceed with my case with the state education board and pleading my innocence. Their trap they set for me they will fall into it. The Lord will fight my battle.


My 9 year old granddaughter has been having mini seizures for at least two months. Please pray an upcoming scan of her brain will be negative and that she’ll never have another one. She also has asthma. Thank you for your love and prayers.


Prayer for Anna, a 34-year-old mother of 4 young children including a newborn, who has breast cancer and is undergoing a double mastectomy tomorrow. Please pray for a successful surgery and for community to meet the family’s needs.


Please pray for my husband. That his biopsy is negative and for his career. That we listen to make sure to hear if God wants him to stay or go. My colleagues, that I may represent Christ well.


For my adult daughter, who is an RN, to help me pay off my car. I need help. Ask God to touch her heart. In Jesus name! Thank you


Dear friends, pray for the physically health of my mom who suffers from heart issues, blood pressure, joint pain and rheumatism, pray to God to restore my mom’s physical body. Please also pray for my cousin Kathy for their health, to be free from stroke and aneurysm.


Please pray for me. I’m about to have my first baby. I left a verbally abusive husband. Pray for him to know the Lord and quit drinking but pray for me to keep holding onto the Lord during this season.


I pray for the delivery of my friend Gail from aggressive adrenal cancer. She is a Christ follower.
She faces surgery in a couple weeks. May God provide skilled hands to the surgeon and team to provide optimal healing and treatment.


Pray for my husband’s health- his eyes and thyroid need healing.


Pray for salvation for all of my unsaved family members.