It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


Me and my husband have been infertile for ten years; in March we have the chance to do IVF. We need a miracle.


We have a Christmas celebration for inner city people on December 18; please pray that those who come will be saved and that all will go well.


I sleep long hours always waking up tired. Prayer for God to heal me and give me more energy in my day and remove any evil spirit that causes me to feel fatigued all the time praise God. Also pray for twitches in my body to go away and healing for my brain.


Please pray for the physical protection and healing of my mother and cousin Kathy. Please pray that God will place a hedge of protection around them inside and outside the house from any danger. That God would also bring healing to their bodies and restored health.


Please pray for my family that we receive financial resources in any way God will provide us as soon as possible to pay all my financial debts and provide housing.


Prayer is answered! Sarah’s surgery is successful. Please pray for her recovery.


I have a little dog named Ozzy, that was diagnosed with a tumor in his belly. He has a surgery scheduled for tomorrow (December 7) at 9 am. I would kindly ask for prays for him, so he can be calm, for everything to go well and for a fast recovery.


Please pray for Rachel to wake up and breathe completely on her own she had an aneurism, she’s 39 years old.


Pray for John to be healed of all cancer in bowel and stomach, and for surgery to be an amazing success and testimony.


Pray for healing from side effects of medication causing tiredness.


In the Powerful Name of Jesus please pray for me, I’m trusting God for a job, a house and a godly man for a marriage.
Also pray for Varuna, she needs repentance, deliverance and salvation. May God destroys all witchcrafts performed on her life and do justice for her and her baby. Protect them from any harm.


Please Lord I am asking for your healing of my lungs and spine.