It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


Kindly pray for my son’s salvation and his marriage. He is a full time gamer and needs to be delivered from it.

I am a widow residing at Qatar. Kindly pray for me to get a good job so that I can support my children and myself. Pray that I will be a good steward of all that God provides.


I have had this bump in my left ear awhile and haven’t thought much of it; last night I had a panic attack that it’s serious. Please pray for healing and for peace and hope to come over me and stay with me.


Please pray for my surgery/recovery in January to be successful . Thank you so much.


Pray for divine healing to be manifested in Sheryl.


Dear friends, please pray to our Lord for the protection of my Mom and my cousins in Santiago from criminals, thieves, drug dealers, killers, and all other evil.

Andrew and Nicole

Please pray to overcome life’s hardships and God’s protection from evil words and evil desires spoken over us.


Please pray for my complete physical and emotional healing.


Please pray that I will know deeply that I forgive my daughter Stefanie, and that I can go forward in a better relationship with her.
Pray for my granddaughter, Maddison, who is seven years old and had ear surgery. She is healing well but will need a second surgery. Please pray for complete healing of her ear.


Please pray for the salvation of my older son, Marcus.


Please pray for my spiritual protection.


Please join me in prayer as I am praying to be less selfish and more other focused, guidance regarding following the counselor and consistency in seeking God daily.


Please pray for Emelda’s healing and deliverance from cancer and pain.
Please pray for Thomas that God may provide a permanent job this December 2023 to provide to for his family.
Please pray for Leo that God may provide job for him in the hospital as a nurse.