It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


Dear Lord, please save me from torturers and doers. Please save me from reclaiming and revenging. Please save me from jealousy and my enemies. In Jesus name. Amen


Please pray for my friend Clay. He must have surgery on his hand due to an infection. Please pray that God would direct the hands of the surgeon as he does the procedure. Clay also has other health issues going on as well.


Please pray that my friendship with Jeremy and Dev is restored when I reach out to them this Saturday and I pray they reach out to me before then. As well as for me doing well in school, a good job, for my family’s health, wealth and guidance and for a stronger relationship with the Lord.


My husband died on December 1, 2023, from a three year battle with ALS at the young age of 33. Please pray for me in my grief.


Please pray for me as I finish my final year of study and seek to go abroad for additional study. Please pray for my family’s salvation, health issues and financial concerns.


Please pray for God’s intervention in my marriage. Please pray he will move in our situation and create a heart willing to move towards reconciliation. Please pray God would turn my husband’s heart away from divorce and create a sense of hope, forgiveness, and restoration.


I want to first give testimony to God’s healing hand in my body. He is restoring my health. But I request prayer that the Lord provides another miracle of healing of my unbearable stomach pain. Please pray that the Lord have mercy on me and heal all my organs fully.


Please pray a hedge of protection over me that I will not be swayed by any false god or religion. That the God of heaven will give me strength and wisdom as I claim him as ruler of my life.


Prayers are requested for the healing of Viola. Healing from: depression, sleep disorder, insomnia, (I can’t fall asleep due to hearing voices in my space of awareness) and for a broken nose, and brainstem healing. Please also lift Alan and Cordelia up in prayer, heal their minds, heart trouble and family tree.


Please pray that God will provide financing for me and Leo for our trip to the Philippines in January to meet and minister to our family. Protection of health against viruses and bacteria. Pray for healing of relationships and gospel conversations.


I need prayer for my mental health, restoration in my family, our health and finances because I am unable to work and quite honestly it’s going to take a miracle from the Lord for all of this.


Lord, I pray that you would convict Steven of any error in his life. Let there be “nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known” (Matthew 10:26). Cleanse him from any secret sins and teach him to be a person who is quick to confess when he is wrong (Psalm 19:12). Help him to recognize his mistakes. Give him eyes to see your truth and ears to hear your voice. Bring him to full repentance before you. Lord, I know that humility must come before honor (Proverbs 15:33). Take away all pride that would cause him to deny his faults and work into his soul a humility of heart so that he will receive the honor you have for him.