It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


Please pray for a dear relationship that we might love God first and love each other like he has loved us.


Please pray for my five-month pregnancy that God would free me from any illness and difficulty.


Read many of these prayer requests and see the hurting people. I pray that God would send his power, the Holy Spirit without delay, answer and bless with miraculous blessing. May he bring his peace, comfort, and joy to a hurting world. I ask for prayer for a shattered life that Jesus would come or call me home, my heart’s desire.


Pray the Lord to bless the work of my hands as I complete my studies this spring.


Please pray for reconciliation and forgiveness between myself and a friend. We plan to spend his birthday together and now I am not sure that will happen. Please pray communication will be restored.


Please pray for temporary shelter and home offers for cats and kittens.


Prayer for my brother regarding legal documents and financial situation. And pray for my family who needs a home by the end of this week. It’s been months of looking and battling broken promises from friends who said they would help and then couldn’t.


Please pray that I stop fixating on how to find my daughter and granddaughter and trust the Lord with their lives. I also have an adult son that stopped talking to me last year. I need guidance on how to find support with other Christians.


Prayers for my husband Richard and I, he is fighting a rare cancer and I am helping him and working full time. God has shown us a lot of mercy and help in it all but it is still a lot for us both. Thank you for your prayers.


Praise report! My friend Clay’s hand is healing well, and his thyroid biopsy came back benign. Praise God for both.


I sold my home and closed my business down of 26 and a 1/2 years seeking a new journey. And now three months later I regret everything. I am now homeless, broke and unemployed. Please pray for wisdom and God’s provision and encouragement.


Please pray to our Lord for the protection of my mom and my cousins in Santiago from criminals, thieves, drug dealers, killers, and all other evil.