It is our honor to pray for you!

The staff at the Christian Working Woman meet on a regular basis to pray for these requests listed below. Would you partner with us as we uphold one another in prayer? Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).


I need a real-life miracle from Jesus I am needing total financial recovery whether I made a mistake so the enemy tempted me and I gave into it or I was just stolen from. I am in the red zone and need an immediate turnaround. Thank you in advance for the victory in Jesus name!


I need prayer for my physical situation that me and my family are in.

Andrew and Nicole

Pray for happiness and love in our marriage and God’s protection and his love over us.


I need prayer for God’s direction to make correct decisions for the future of our family, especially in finances, work for my husband and me, and for provisions to pay for our children’s school.


Thank you for praying for my brain MRI. It was not normal. (not cancer) Now I have to see 2 specialists and a ton of tests. Please pray the tests are normal. I am so worried.


General prayer, so much going on, not exactly sure what to ask for prayer on. In every area, health, finances, work, life choices, children. Have had several difficult years. This last year and few months were in particular very difficult. Please pray for me and my children. Thank you.


Urgent housing issue and credit repair. Pray for financial restoration. I am struggling to keep up with my current bills. I have been trying to get help for weeks.


Please pray for my sister, Lini, who is living in India. She was suffering from mental health issues but by God’s grace now she is completely well with medication. She couldn’t work for almost 8 years and now is trying hard to get a job. Please pray for her to get a job soon and for her complete healing.
Thank you. God bless you.


Pray for healing of depression bipolar disorder so I don’t have to go to hospital again. Pray that God completely heals me.


We are in the process of moving from Florida to Kansas, and we still need to find a house.
Please pray for us for a house that fits our needs. Pray for safe travels and pray all vehicles make the 19 1/2 hr. drive with no maintenance issues and pray that the Holy Spirit to continues to lead this journey that we are on. In Jesus name I pray. Amen


My two brothers are persecuting me, my mother and my sister because of property and hate. We are living outside of the city in fear because they used to fight and quarrel. They both are lawyers and politicians and misuse the law. They both and their wives are Hindu, and their people persecute us because we accepted Christ. We are sick and having financial problems and career problems and nobody is supporting us. We are tired, need safety, deliverance, blessings, healing and peace.


There have been a series of mistakes at work; pray that I do not get fired or lose pension after 37 yrs. I need the pension to be able to retire.