
What is required of us in our friendships and how can we improve those friendships?

I’m sure you’ll agree that your friendships are a most important part of your life. Can you imagine not having a friend to talk to, someone you’re comfortable with, someone who cares about you, someone to do things with and pray with? Ecclesiastes 4:12 says “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves….” and God has given us friends for encouragement and help—to keep us from being overpowered

Proverbs has many instructions for being a good friend. Probably the most famous one is Proverbs 17:17: “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.” A good friend is loyal and is there for you when things are tough. Have you been that kind of friend?”

“At all times” doesn’t leave much wiggle room, does it? It includes those times when a friend may not be giving you what you need in the relationship. Maybe a friend hasn’t been willing to listen to you or help you, or has been too absorbed in his or her own problems to think about yours. But if you’re the friend you should be, you will love “at all times”—even when it is not reciprocated.

I know that’s not easy to do, but the love of God in us can give us the ability to love a friend at all times, even when the support we offer, the listening ear we supply, is not given back to us in return. “At all times” includes the middle of the night, or in the midst of a busy schedule. When was the last time you were willingly inconvenienced for the sake of a friend? And can you remember a time when a friend did that for you? It helps so much to know you have that kind of friend.

This verse says a friend is born for adversity. In other words, we are put in other people’s lives in order to help them endure adversity. So, check up on yourself and ask God to show you how you can be a better friend.