
Fran finds herself on the receiving end of a jealous coworker, who is very vocal and very vicious in her attitude toward Fran.

A week ago Fran made an important presentation to a new prospect, and today is the day she is to get their answer. This morning, in some quiet time with the Lord, Fran prays, “Lord, once again I give over to you the results of this new business. I pray you will give me a favorable response, but no matter what happens, help me to be gracious and kind.”

Then she thinks about Jenny. Fran has struggled to have a right attitude toward her, because Jenny has said some unkind and indeed rude things to Fran. “Lord, I know that Jenny is not in my life by accident. I don’t like her, Lord, but I want to be willing to let you love her through me. And Lord, help me to see her the way you see her. I know that underneath her tough exterior and her angry demeanor, there is a big hurt that only you can heal. Please help me to see her through your eyes.”

About ten o’clock that morning, Fran makes the call and to her great delight, she learns that they will sign a contract with her. She makes an appointment to be at their office first thing tomorrow morning, then goes in to tell her boss.

“Congratulations, Fran,” Marilyn says, as she shakes her hand. “That is great news. We’ll announce it at the meeting this afternoon.” Marilyn is obviously well pleased.

As the department gathers for the meeting, Marilyn enthusiastically announces Fran’s success. “This is a very significant account and Fran did a great job to land it. Obviously, she’ll be needing help from the team. In fact, Jenny, since you’ve had some experience with construction companies, it might make sense for you to help Fran out. We can talk about that.”

Fran’s stomach does a couple of somersaults. How could Marilyn do that to her? She can never work with Jenny. Now what is she going to do?

As the meeting ends, everybody is congratulating Fran. Jenny starts to walk out without saying anything, when Marilyn stops her. “Jenny, why don’t you and Fran come into my office for a few minutes. Let’s talk about this new account.”

“Lord,” Fran prays silently, “I need wisdom and I need grace. Please help me. You know I can’t work with Jenny. Please deliver me.”

She can hear that inner voice of God’s Spirit responding to her panic. “What you can’t do, I can.” With that assurance, she heads toward Marilyn’s office.