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Jesus said that a house built on sand would not withstand the storms of life. Rather, we need to build our “house” on the rock.

What is that “rock”?  It is a strong knowledge of God, stretching our minds to understand God’s attributes and his ways better and better. A Christian without a foundation of sound theology is vulnerable to temptation, to losing faith, to being wiped out by adverse circumstances.  Theology is the knowledge of God which is continually developed through intentional study of God and his nature. 

In this study we will cover the attributes of God and how essential that knowledge is to our faith. We will look at theological discussions and conversations in Scripture, and what happens when that foundation of theology is firm versus what happens when it is weak.

John 17:3:   Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

Knowing God better and better is more important than any other pursuit in life. This study will help you build the firm foundation you need for this post-Christian culture. 

If you have any questions, please contact Sherri at tcww@christianworkingwoman.org.