We are eager to join again this spring to grow closer to God and each other. We are thankful for the opportunity to spend time together in the Word and in fellowship at our annual Weekend Getaway.
Grounded Identity is the theme for this year. We need to go deeper as we ground our identity in Christ in order to do the good works God has prepared for each of us.
Click here to download or view the brochure.
The getaway will be at the Westin Hotel in Itasca, IL.
Friday April 14, 7:00-9:00pm – General Session
Saturday April 15, 8:30am – 5:00pm – General Sessions, Workshops, Lunch and Candid Conversations.
For questions please call the office at 630-462-0552 or email tcww@christianworkingwoman.org.

Our special speaker is Lina Abujamra. She founded Living with Power Ministries and is a popular Bible teacher, podcaster and conference speaker. She’s also the author of several books and the host of a radio show. In her “spare” time, Lina is a pediatric ER doctor who practices telemedicine and provides medical care and humanitarian help to Syrian refugees and others in disaster areas. Learn more about her here.

Dealing with Foolish People with Mary Lowman
Do you have any foolish people in your life? The Bible gives us a clear definition and description of fools and their behavior and warns us to be very cautious in how we deal with them. In this workshop we will look to God’s Word for specific guidance on dealing with, working with, and/or living with the foolish people in our lives.

How to Have Difficult Conversations with Lisa Bishop
Whether in the workplace or at home, with a co-worker or a friend, difficult conversations are all around us. But all too often we avoid them out of fear or not knowing what to say. This workshop will give you skills to engage in conversations you would rather avoid and approach conflict in a way that can grow and strengthen relationships.
Lisa has worked in corporate America for 20-plus years in consulting, training, and coaching. She also served as Director of Women’s Ministry at Park Community Church for 12 years. Her life was and continues to be transformed after becoming a follower of Jesus over 25 years ago when a co-worker shared her faith. Lisa’s passion and life’s mission are to be a catalyst and encourager for women as they grow in biblical literacy, spiritual maturity, and experiencing and reflecting the heart of God.

Designing a Life, Anchored in Joy with Juni Felix
Jesus says in John 15:11, “I have told you these things so that my joy will be in you and your joy would be made complete.” So why are so many women living a life without joy? Join us for a paradigm shifting, practical workshop: ‘Designing a Life Anchored in Joy.’ We will cover effective proven Tiny Habits© for joy and explore God’s plan for and definition of success.
Juni Felix is a woman of prayer. A member of Dr. BJ Fogg’s (Stanford) Behavior Design Teaching Team, bestselling author of You are Worth the Work: Moving Forward from Trauma to Faith, a C.S. Lewis Institute Fellow, speaker, Midday Host for Moody Radio Chicago, and a Tiny Habits® Coach who has long used the method to help others transform lives and relationships with God. Through her speaking, broadcasting, and podcasting ministries, she is an encourager to people around the world.

Generosity: Holistically with Our Life and Resources with Valerie Hogan
Are you looking to be a better steward of your time, gifts, and talents? We are called to be good stewards of the resources that God has given to us and to return to God what we have been given. In this workshop, we will explore what it means to be generous and a responsible steward—and what it looks like to live holistically with our life and resources.
Valerie holds a law degree and is an author and Certified Financial Planner. She works with National Christian Foundation, Orchard Ministry Development, and Widow Connection. Since 2000, Valerie has served in churches leading groups and individuals toward good stewardship with Christian Financial Concepts, Crown Financial, and Financial Peace University. She loves to assist people to overcome financial obstacles to experience more freedom, be more generous, and do more ministry. She is married and has three children.

Thrive Without Compromise with Sharnell Weathersby
Empowering and equipping women to grow with excellence in their faith, life, and career but without compromising what matters most as women of God. This workshop will provide strategies, tips, and lessons to help women learn how to thrive both at the workplace and in life—without conceding what God has called us to do.
Sharnell Weathersby is an executive coach, tea CEO, and branding consultant helping today’s workingwomen to realize their full potential.