Zoom Get-Together June 17, 2023 | 10am
Daily we have an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those within our spheres of influence. Some days we rise to the challenge while other days we miss the mark entirely. Is our quest to rise above by sheer force of will interfering with God’s shaping work in us? Is our purpose merely to reconcile ourselves to the tension of the “is” versus the “ought”? How might we instead learn to draw our strength and purpose from the Vine in whom “we live and move and have our being”? Join us as we pursue the answers to these questions by studying the writings of a metaphysical poet and a disciple of Jesus. Let’s grow together!

Naomi Jaynes is the district EdTech Trainer and Integration Specialist for a suburban school district in Oklahoma. With twenty years’ experience as a secondary English teacher in public, independent, international, and virtual schools, an Ed.S. in Educational Technology, an M.A.T. in Language Arts, and a B.A. in Communication, she is strongly motivated by the pursuit of excellence in all things teaching and learning with technology.