How can we connect in an age of isolation and incivility? How can we foster meaningful connection with others? It is time to reimagine better conversations. Heather Holleman has explored this topic in depth and aims to connect people in loving community.
She will lead a conversation grounded in the foundational training necessary for engaging in truly loving conversations. Attendees will be equipped with effective questions, self-assessments, and action steps to immediately implement in any situation—both personally and professionally.
If you desire deeper relationships with your spouse, dating partner, children, friends, in-laws, grandchildren, coworkers, clients, students, and people in your neighborhood, then this is for you!

Heather Holleman is an associate teaching professor at Penn State, speaker, and author. She designs advanced writing curricula for the English department and loves helping students thrive professionally. She has written eight books including her latest book The Six Conversations: Pathways to Connecting in an Age of Isolation and Incivility to help fight the loneliness epidemic by inviting readers to enjoy better conversations.