
I’ve been pointing out some of our incredible advantages as believers in the workplace because we have the privilege of prayer. Here’s another one.

Advantage: You can be positive in a negative world.

While everyone else around you is griping and complaining all the time, you can remain positive and joyful because each day you can pray for God to control your thoughts. Every time you start to think or say something in negative mode, to complain about the company or the boss or a coworker, stop in the middle of that thought or sentence and turn it into a prayer. Instead of wallowing in the self-pity and negativity of the moment, you have the advantage of staying positive and joyful regardless of the circumstances.

Advantage: You can be peaceful instead of stressed-out. Paul wrote to the Philippians:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).

Because we have this invitation to present every anxious situation to God in prayer, we don’t have to be stressed out even when others are falling apart around us. Isn’t that an incredible benefit?

Are you taking advantage of giving over all your anxiety to the Lord? I hope you’re not trying to carry that burden yourself. Jesus is ready to take your heavy burden and give you a light one, as soon as you present your situation to God in prayer. And when you do, the stress of the situation goes away. People pay tons of money to try to get rid of stress, and we have the secret weapon ready to be used at any time—prayer!

It’s little wonder that our enemy does everything possible to keep us from praying very much, because he is fully aware of the great advantage we have through prayer. The power of heaven is unleashed in our world through prayer. The blessings of God are showered on us through prayer. The wisdom and guidance we need so often to make good decisions can be found in prayer. The comfort and assurance that keep us going come through prayer. It’s our secret weapon and our great advantage. What a shame when we don’t use it like we should.