
Presented by Lisa Bishop

What is your self-talk? We are examining why our words matter. Let’s look at the words we speak to ourselves about ourselves.

Stop and think about it. What are the words you find yourself saying to yourself? Your self-talk is the ongoing conversation you have with yourself in your mind. Negative self-talk includes thoughts such as, “I’m worthless,” “I’ll never be good enough,” “I just can’t seem to get it right,” or “I’m so stupid,” as well as thoughts about your circumstances, “I’ll be stuck in this job forever” or “Things will never get better.”

We all hold these kinds of ongoing conversations with ourselves, and although you might not always be aware of it, your internal conversations have a significant impact on your mood, your behaviors, and ultimately your life. Sometimes we entertain negative thoughts because of what others have said to us.

We’ve been called stupid, ugly, worthless, or worse—and when we hit a low point in our lives, these are the very words we hear on repeat in our minds. Like a hamster wheel, many of us get caught up in negative self-talk. Your words matter not only for you and your life but the words you speak to yourself also matter to God. The latest brain research shows that negative language actually releases thousands of stress-producing hormones and neurotransmitters in our brains, powerfully affecting our moods, making us feel worse and ultimately, they result in acting in ways that justify our false beliefs.

This is no surprise to God, our great creator who designed our brains, and his Word shows us the power of guiding our thoughts. Ephesians 4:23 tells us to be made new in the attitude of your minds. And Romans 12:2 says, do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

The enemy wants nothing more than to infiltrate your thoughts with lies. You must fight back with God’s Word and speak the truth to yourself, even when, or especially when, you don’t feel like it. This is more than positive self-talk; this is the Holy Spirit-powered truth.

Begin to examine your defeating thoughts. What fears or false beliefs have become a stronghold in your life? What words do you dwell on and do you pummel yourself with? Ask yourself, “Are these thoughts in alignment with God?” If the thoughts are negative or in any way shaming or condemning, you know for certain the answer is “no.” Getting unstuck from old patterns of thinking will take effort on your part because thoughts become habits and habits can be hard to break. But you can choose the thoughts you entertain about yourself, and as you do, remember to ask God to help you.