
Why was Jesus such a great leader? He had the best people skills ever. Let me briefly point out just a few examples.

He was able to communicate a vision of what people could become. “Follow me,” he said to some poor fishermen, “and I will make you fishers of men.” He told his disciples they would do even greater things than he had done. He beautifully communicated the vision and importance of what he was asking people to do.

Another reason Jesus was such a terrific people person is he made the benefits and rewards very clear. “I came to give you abundant life,” he promised. “Great will be your reward in heaven,” he told them. “I’m going to prepare a place for you,” he said. He understood the importance of work-related benefits and rewards.

Jesus was wonderful with people because he was willing to forgive them and give them many second chances. He didn’t give up on someone just because they had failed. Think of Peter; he denied Jesus three times, but Jesus restored him to fellowship, and Peter became the rock of the early church.

And Jesus was able to relate so beautifully with people because he had a servant attitude. He came to serve, not to be served, he said, and he demonstrated it over and over again. Just imagine: the God-man coming to earth to serve mankind. Incredible but true. He was a servant.

But mostly, Jesus was successful as a leader because he truly loved and cared for each individual and put their interest above his own. He loved so much that he died—for me and you. No wonder he changed the course of all history. Was there ever anyone like him? No never! But the incredible news is as believers, we have his Spirit in us, and are being transformed into his image.

Ask yourself, how are your people skills? Do you communicate a vision to people? Are you willing to reward those who earn it? Do you give people a second chance? Are you a servant-leader? And do you truly care for others? Those are some of the attributes that made Jesus so special.