
I’m examining those times in our lives when there are no answers. Mary and Martha faced that situation when Lazarus died. Why didn’t Jesus come and heal him? They could not understand why.

We all remember the end of this story; Jesus did meet their need by performing an incredible miracle and raising Lazarus from the dead. In this case, Mary and Martha finally got answers, as they saw their brother come forth after four days in that tomb.

So, eventually Martha and Mary could say to each other, “When it looked as though Jesus had forsaken us, he really was working on our behalf to do something even greater than we could imagine.”

Sometimes it works out like that. We go through the no-answer period when the circumstances make no sense to us whatsoever, but at a later date, in God’s time, we are able to see what God’s good purpose was.

Maybe you are now in that tough place where Mary and Martha were initially. You’re wondering why Jesus hasn’t come to you; you’re feeling unloved and neglected by him. Please do take courage and remember that often we misunderstand God’s timetable. It may be that you will soon see the deliverance of God and your eyes will be opened to understand the whys.

But what about when we don’t get those answers? Your Lazarus never comes out of the tomb. You’re left to face those unanswered questions for the rest of your life.

You know, I believe for those of us who are Christ-followers, it is extremely difficult to face the fact God is not going to answer our questions, and we’ll never know why certain things happen. After all, we’re supposed to have answers, aren’t we? We’ve always told people Jesus is the answer. Jesus can meet all their needs. Therefore, those unanswered questions can undermine our faith and cause us to doubt the God we serve.

I want to say that if you have unanswered questions, God is not going to condemn you for asking the questions, for feeling anger at the unjust circumstances. He even understands you’re likely to go through a period of being angry at him. God is big enough to handle your anger.

But your light will break forth and your peace will come when you give up the questions that have no answers, and reaffirm that even in the midst of confusion, you still trust the God who you know is faithful and good.