
There is no more effective testimony that you can have as a Christ-follower than to consistently be a joyful person. Someone has said, “Joy is the flag flying high above the castle of the heart, announcing that the King is in residence there.” How’s your flag doing? Is it flying high these days, or are you allowing something or someone to steal your joy?

Well, what can you do to get that joy flag flying high over your heart again, so people will see that Jesus lives there? Here are three verses from Psalms that tell us how:

Psalm 16:11: “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Joy comes the more you are in his presence—finding joy in knowing God through Jesus and spending time each day with him—just you and God. Are you doing that? When you do, you will be filled with joy.

Psalm 19:8a: “The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart.” God’s word gives joy. It’s just that simple. Reading God’s word, memorizing it, studying it—I promise, it brings joy to your heart, no matter what’s going on. So, is Bible reading a high priority on your to-do list each day? It will put joy in your heart.

Psalm 5:11: “But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.” Do you know what it means to take refuge in the Lord? It just means you run to him first when you need comfort or help or strength. He will spread his protection over you and shield you from those joy-stealers. Do you love the name of Jesus? Is it the sweetest name you know? Do you love to talk about him, sing about him; is Jesus everything to you? You will rejoice and be joyful when that is true.

It’s time to unwrap that flag of joy, raise it to the top of the mast, and fly it high!