
We know that joy should be the trademark of a Christian. But the thing is, there is so much negativity and bad news in our world today that if you’re not careful, the enemy will steal your joy. That’s one of his favorite tactics. So, what or who has been stealing your joy?

Whatever or whoever it is, realize that it is a satanic flaming arrow coming your way, so put on your full armor and refuse to lose your joy. How? First, resist the devil as the Bible says, out loud if possible; just resist him verbally. Let him know you’re on to him, and you are not subject to his joy-stealing ways, resist his onslaught, and the Bible says he will flee from you. So, that’s step one.

Maybe you’re thinking that there really isn’t much to be joyful about: You’ve got money problems, or health issues, or there’s a relationship that’s going sour—or on and on and on. We live in a world packed full of stress and worry and trauma and discord. So, there’s plenty of joy-stealers hanging around these days.

But as Christ-followers, we are supposed to rejoice always, right? That’s what the Apostle Paul told us over and over, and believe me, he had plenty of joy-stealers in his life, too. So, being joyful has to rise above our circumstances, doesn’t it?

If you want joy in your life, first pray Psalm 51:12: “Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” Remember the joy of your salvation? Remember the joy, the amazing peace, the freedom from sin that received from Jesus? Ask God to restore that joy to you.

Then, do something positive to get the joy going. Sing or hum a praise song. Just sing to yourself. I mean, actually sing good songs to yourself. Sing words into your ears and into your heart. Find the humor in your day. Laugh a lot. Then, make a list of answered prayer. Or make a list of what you have to be thankful for. Make yourself focus on the good reports instead of on the joy-stealers.