
Presented by Lisa Bishop

I want to examine the blessing of waiting on God. I know waiting and blessing may not seem like they go hand in hand, but they often do. It’s our perspective that can blind us to seeing the blessing. We live in a fast-paced world where instant gratification is the norm. Fast is at our fingertips. Yet, as followers of Jesus, our spiritual journey often requires us to wait, and waiting can test our patience, reveal our faith, and tamper with our trust in God.

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint (Isaiah 40:31).

This verse is a powerful reminder that waiting on God is not passive. It is an intentional and active engagement of our faith. Isaiah teaches us it’s actually in the waiting God renews our strength, gives us endurance, and prepares us for the journey ahead. Waiting builds resilient faith because we acknowledge the sovereignty and timing when we wait on God, admitting his plans are higher than ours and his understanding surpasses our own. This act of surrender is crucial for our spiritual growth. It’s easy to rush ahead and try to force our plans, but God’s timing is perfect. He sees the bigger picture we cannot see. He knows what you need and when you need it.

The story of Abraham and Sarah is an example of waiting. God promised them a son, but they had to wait 25 years for Isaac’s birth. Their time of waiting wasn’t without struggle and doubt, yet God deepened their faith as they relied on him. When you find yourself in a season of waiting it’s important to stay connected to God through prayer, Scripture, and worship. Sometimes that is the last thing we want to do because waiting can cause our hearts to grow weary toward God. Waiting involves an expectant hope, trusting God will come through at the right moment.

Waiting is also a time for preparation. God might be preparing your heart for something greater, something you’re not ready for just quite yet.

If we let it, waiting on God brings us closer to him. In our desperation and dependence, we draw near to the heart of the Father. We learn to lean on him, to trust him, and to love him more deeply.

So, if you find yourself in a season of waiting, be encouraged. God is with you. He has not forgotten you. Use this time to strengthen your faith, grow your relationship with him, and prepare for the good things he has in store.