
I’ve been trying to help us see afresh how to be powerhouse Christians and really impact our worlds for Jesus Christ. And, my friends, there is only one way to turn on the power of God in our lives, and it’s not new, it’s not gimmicky, it’s not overnight, and it’s not tantalizing. But it works!

The power switch is prayer and God’s Word. And we must pay the price for this power, just like we pay for electrical power in order to turn on the lights in our houses. The price is discipline, pure lives, and significant time in our schedules to get to know God through prayer and his Word.

Are you in bondage to your own powerless life? Are you frustrated because you never see any evidence that Christ lives in you and gives you power to live victoriously? If you’re truly a believer, you’ve got to get back to basics and ask yourself if you’ve been willing to pay the price for power. And believe me, I have to do the same thing.

There’s a price to pay, but wow, you get more than you pay for when you turn on God’s power in your life. For example, have you been in bondage to your tongue? Well, with God’s power you can have victory over that damaging tongue of yours. Or maybe there is some impurity in your life holding you prisoner.

A friend told me how she had been in bondage to trashy novels, reading as many as one a day for years. This had done a great deal of damage to her thought life and her marriage, but by memorizing scripture and praying it into her life, she has broken that bondage and gotten rid of those lousy novels. You think you can read or watch the world’s trash and it won’t do you any harm? Think again. It will keep your life impure, but thankfully my friend found freedom from the trash. Truth—the truth of God’s Word—set her free! She paid the price for God’s power, and now she is free.

If you’re struggling in some area, I urge you to pay the price for God’s power to be released in your life.

Galatians 5:16 says: So, I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. Walking by the Spirit is the way to know freedom, to have the power to live a godly life. Make it a matter of daily prayer and a commitment each day—I will by God’s grace walk by the Spirit today. You will begin to know power in your life that will amaze you!