
Do you often compare yourself to other people? Have you thought of the consequences of doing that? We’re going to look at some people in the Bible who compared themselves to others, and hopefully learn from their mistakes.

It’s very easy for any of us to fall into a trap of comparing ourselves to other people. But the consequences can be devastating, and sinful as well.

Usually when we compare ourselves to others we come to one of three conclusions:

  1. We’re better than they are.
  2. They’re better than we are.
  3. We’d rather be them than us.

You remember the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, where the Pharisee thought he was better than everyone else, particularly the sinful tax collector, because he compared his outward appearance to others and concluded he was a truly good guy. The tax collector on the other hand recognized his need and asked God for mercy. Jesus said that God heard the prayer of the tax collector, but not the prayer of the Pharisee.

How frequently, like the Pharisee, we compare outward appearances and end up thinking we’re pretty hot stuff. Do you tend to look at others and think: “Well, I look better than she does,” or “I perform better than he does,” or “I’ve got more to offer than they do.”  When you make these kinds of comparisons, the sin of pride is taking over your mind.

What I find particularly prevalent among business people is that we compare our positions and our salaries, and think we’re more important than others because we’ve climbed the ladder higher or gotten another raise. Remember that in eternity those titles and salaries will have no meaning. For a Christian they should simply be viewed as resources to be used by God. If you’re in that very typical but sinful practice of comparing your status to others and judging worth based on position, please read carefully Philippians 2 and 1 Corinthians 4:6-7. They will give you God’s perspective.