
What does it mean to practice The Ministry of Presence? God is showing me more and more how to practice being there for people.

For example, often when I am praying for someone or thinking about them, a thought will come into my mind about what I could do to be there for that person. I’ve learned that when those kinds of ideas come into my mind, it’s most likely placed there by the Holy Spirit, and therefore I should pay attention. So, many times I pause right then and write a note or make a call or add something to my to-do list to remind me to do something for that person that will simply let them know I’m thinking about them, and I care.

I have a friend who is struggling with a health issue. Obviously, I can’t do anything to help her resolve that issue, but I can let her know that I’m thinking about her and praying for her. Just to say that to someone, whether in person, on the phone, or by written word, is an example of practicing the ministry of presence.

Inviting someone to your home for no reason except to let them be with you is an example of practicing the ministry of presence. This past Thanksgiving two people who didn’t have close-by family were with us at my daughter’s home, sharing that meal with us, and it was an expression of care and concern to them, though we never spoke those words. Their invitation to be with us was the ministry extended to them that day, and it was a delight to have them with us.

I told you about my friends who are extending this ministry to homeless people around their home in Chicago. I don’t think I’ll ever forget what one of them said to my friend, Justin. The homeless man said that in spite of the fact that he was always told he was worthless, he now knew that wasn’t true. If he were worthless, my friend would not hang out with him.

The ministry of presence is hanging out with someone, even if it might be inconvenient or push you out of your comfort zone. Who is it in your life that would love for you to “hang out” with them? Are you willing to answer the call of Jesus to show his love through the ministry of your presence?