
I’m usually a bit reluctant to suggest another thing you need to do. After all, you are busy as it is, and you probably think that you can’t add one more thing to your life, to your to-do list, to your schedule.

I understand that, but it became clear to me a few weeks ago that God wanted us here at The Christian Working Woman to offer you a new opportunity. Yes, it will take some time; yes, you will need to be committed; yes, you may have to clear your schedule out a bit. But honestly, if I can inspire you to take seriously this challenge, you will thank me because it is life changing.

We have put together a way to help you memorize Scripture—hide it in your heart—so that you can grow spiritually faster and better than ever before, if indeed you’ve never taken Scripture memorization seriously. Here’s what a good friend of mine said that memorizing Scripture has done for her:

Memorizing has brought assurance and guidance and wisdom and stability and joy and hope in my thinking. Yes, it’s harder to memorize now as an adult, but I’m convinced of its importance as an anchor for the soul and renewing the mind and keeping my thinking in line with the Gospel.

Would you like to experience a new joy in your walk with God? Would you like to have this one weapon we have as believers, the word of God, so deeply hidden within you that you can know new victory and new joy? It’s available to you if you will memorize Scripture. We are here to help you do that. You can join with us—there is no cost—and become a part of a community of believers who together have decided to fill their minds with truth. Truth that will set you free.

It’s one of the best gifts you could ever give yourself. All the details are available here. Honestly, this is one of the best offers I’ve ever made to you because I know the difference it will make in your life.

(Click here to read or download the entire week’s message.)