
Would you like to know one thing you can do that will make a greater impact for spiritual growth in your life than anything else? it is memorizing Scripture and hiding it in your heart.

Dallas Willard was recognized as a spiritual development scholar, and here is what he wrote:

“Bible memorization is absolutely fundamental to spiritual formation. If I had to choose between all the disciplines of the spiritual life, I would choose Bible memorization, because it is a fundamental way of filling our minds with what it needs.”

Dear friend, he was so right. We are what we think, and we think about what we put into our minds. Dallas called it a “spiritual discipline,” as most people do, but I prefer to call it a spiritual birthright. It is your right if you are born again through faith in Christ to be transformed in ways you never thought possible by taking advantage of this privilege to hide God’s word in your heart.

So, we have a new opportunity to offer you; I’m calling it The Hidden Word, and if you want to join with me, we are initiating a new program that will give structure to this spiritual birthright. You can join with others as we memorize various passages of Scripture together, within a time frame, and we will become a community of people who have The Hidden Word in our hearts. We will encourage you; you will get to know others with the same intention, if you wish, and it will indeed become a transformational force for all of us, through the power of God’s word and the Holy Spirit.

If this strikes a note in your heart, as it has mine, please join with me and become a part of The Hidden Word. All the details are now available here. There is absolutely no cost for you to join with us, but instead there is great treasure for you if you purpose to hide God’s word in your heart.