
Thank God it’s Monday! I know it’s Thursday. But the title of my series this week is “Thank God It’s Monday,” because when we are born from above, we can truly say that and mean it.

Work is a gift from God, and as intended by him, it brings contentment, fulfillment, enjoyment, and all those good things we keep looking for. The problem is, work fell under the curse when Adam and Eve sinned, and from that time on, it has been corrupted by sin. That corruption has caused many to have an unhealthy attitude toward work, and that includes Christians.

Here’s the great news.

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: ‘Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.’ (Galatians 3:13).

Jesus Christ came to redeem us from the curse of work. With Jesus in control of your life, you can realize the original purpose of work and be set free from the corruption that has made work a dirty word for many.

Now, to do that, you must first have a personal relationship with Jesus through faith. Then, you must make sure the work you are doing is God’s assignment for you. God has work for each of his children to do, and when God gives you work, it is sacred. Whether you call it secular or sacred, if you’re doing what God wants you to do, it is sacred work.

Looking at Adam again, he was given a divine job assignment, and as long as he was willing to obey, he was living in paradise. Work was wonderful; everything was sweet. But he was also given the freedom to rebel against God’s plan for his life, and unfortunately, he chose to do that. You and I have the same freedom to rebel against God’s plans for our lives, but when we do, we pay the price.

If you want to transform your workday into something meaningful and worthwhile, develop the right perspective toward the work you do, and do it as unto the Lord. Think each day that you report to Jesus. You work for him, and you will be demonstrating a totally new attitude, which will show to everyone you work with and for.