
I’m sharing some life lessons with you. I’m sure you’ve learned some valuable lessons in your own life, and it might be good to write them down somewhere. I’ve shared six of my life lessons so far, and here are the next two.

Life Lesson No. 7: Believe it or not, you’re not indispensable. Life will go on without you.

I remember some years ago when I was directing the handbell choir at our church. I loved it, and the church seemed to really love hearing the handbells. Then after I began this ministry my life became so busy that I realized I had to give it up.

I thought, “Oh, dear, the handbell choir will be no more because they won’t have me as their leader.” Wrong! The handbell choir is much bigger now, much better, and they have a director who is far more experienced and talented at handbells than I am! I was not indispensable. And indeed by stepping aside, I gave someone else an opportunity to use their gifts in the church.

So, don’t be afraid to let go; others can pick up the ball and carry on even without you! There’s only one person in control of the universe, and it’s not you!

Life Lesson No. 8: Don’t be afraid to ask. The worse they can say is “no.”

James wrote, “You do not have, because you do not ask God” (James 4:2b). And Jesus said, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened” (Luke 11:9-10).

I could tell you many stories of situations where I’ve just revved up my nerve and asked for something which seemed impossible, and I got it simply because I asked. Obviously I’m not talking about asking for things for myself, but asking for appropriate things for the ministry or for others. I don’t find it easy to ask. I really have to make myself do it, because I either get intimidated or I think it will appear inappropriate, or in many cases, I just don’t want to humble myself and ask. But I’ve learned that many times people want to be asked and enjoy giving.

Those of us who are parents know how we love for our children—even the grown ones—to ask us to help them, in moderation, of course. So, don’t be afraid to ask. Even if you are turned down, you’re no worse off! As James said, often we don’t have simply because we’re afraid to ask.