
There is one small verse in the Bible—it has only eleven words—but if you really understand and take this verse literally, it could be a huge benefit in your life. Here’s the verse from 1 Peter 5:7:

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Now, you’re probably thinking, I know that verse and I know what it means. But do you really? Let’s take it one word at a time, and our word for today is CAST.

Peter didn’t say drop all your anxieties, or let go of all your anxieties, or leave all your anxieties. He said CAST. It’s not a word we use that often, so let’s use a word that means the same thing: THROW. Throw all your anxieties on him.

To throw something takes force, doesn’t it? It takes intentionality. If I’m going to throw something out the window or at someone, I have to take some muscle, pull my arm back, aim it and with energy, throw it. Well, it’s not an accident that Peter used this word CAST. He’s telling us that if you want to get rid of all your anxieties, all your care, all your worry, and all the stress that goes with them, you’re going to have to throw all of them away from you—out the window, in the trash bin. Throw them!

And to do that, you’re going to need two hands: The hand of prayer and the hand of faith. First, you pick up that anxiety, whatever it is, with both hands. I mean literally take your two hands, and hold them up to God in prayer, telling him all about it and ask for his help. Then by faith, believing God heard and will answer your prayer, throw it away from you. Again, literally with all your strength throw your hands out and cast all that anxiety away from you as far as you can.

If you’re holding on to some cares and anxieties; if you’re losing sleep and worrying about something; if you’re almost sick because of that worry, well, it’s time you believe this simple verse, and you CAST it all on him—throw it to Jesus. And every time you’re tempted to take it back, cast it from you all over again. It could be transforming for your life.

We have created a card of this verse to remind you to cast all your anxiety on God. Click here to download.