
If you go to a secular workplace every day, you may wonder what in the world you can do in that kind of environment to share your faith in Jesus Christ, to really have an impact for the gospel. Well, I’m going to give you ten suggestions for sharing God’s love where you work.

  1. Set aside a certain time each day or week to pray for your workplace.

I have discovered that many Christians don’t really pray for their workplace. I think sometimes we separate our “secular jobs” from our spiritual life, as though the two have nothing in common. But for a Christian, everything should be sacred. We should all see ourselves in “full time Christian work,” and so our workplaces are, in effect, our mission field.

What is the best way to pray for your workplace? Well, first, pray for those in authority, for your relationship with them, for wisdom as they make decisions. Then pray for the success of the business, that God will bless the efforts of those working there. Pray for the morale of the workers, that there will be good working relationships, a good team atmosphere, conducive to good work. And then pray for whatever distressing or troubling situations you are experiencing. For example, if the company is experiencing a difficult economic situation, pray for new business, for creative marketing ideas and so forth.

I would encourage you to set aside a specific time to pray for your workplace, maybe on Mondays, so that you have this programmed into your schedule and you don’t overlook it.

  1. Take prayer walks through your company/organization/building.

Now, this is a clandestine kind of prayer, not one you advertise or talk about. But it’s easy to do. Just take a lunch hour, say once a week, and walk through your company, up and down the various hallways and floors, inconspicuously, and quietly pray for each person and department as you walk by their office or place of work. Or if it’s a small workplace, you might walk around the building. Perhaps you might do this before work one day, when not too many people are around. This is a really effective way to remember to pray for the people in your company or department or division.

So, here are two things any of us can and should do to bring God’s love to our workplace. I truly believe you will be amazed to see how prayer can change things where you work.