
(Presented by Lisa Bishop)

Do you believe that God will show up in your life every day, no matter what? When you think about the character of God, what comes to mind? Perhaps you think merciful, gracious, loving, holy, forgiving. What about faithful? Do you believe that God’s faithfulness to you is unconditional, that he can be relied on even when you are unreliable?

The Apostle Paul reminds us of the nature of God. “If we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself” (2 Timothy 2:13). Just stop for a moment and let the magnitude of these words sink into your mind and heart. No matter what you do, God will be faithful to you. As you think about this verse, there are two simple truths that I want you to see and let seep in deep.

Faithful is who God is.
Faithful is not something that God does or just displays toward you. Even if he wanted to (and he doesn’t), he cannot stop being faithful to you because that is part of his nature. And his nature is unchanging. As Paul said, for God not to be faithful, he would have to disown himself and we know he will never do that.

God’s faithfulness is unconditional.
God is not faithful based on some long list of conditions you are required to meet. God’s decision to be faithful to you has absolutely nothing to do with you, which is a good thing because most of us have a faulty track record.

Because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, even when you are unfaithful to God, even when you sin, God will remain true to you. Regardless of how you act, you cannot do anything to make him love you less. Even when you are faithless, he remains faithful. This is mind blowing and true. There is no other God like Jesus Christ who displays such loyalty and steadfast love for you.

Psalm 36:5 declares this truth, “Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.” And Deuteronomy 7:9 beckons, “Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.”

As you love and follow Jesus, albeit imperfectly, God remains loyal to you. This is reason to give God glory, and honor, and praise. Lord, we thank you for your unending love. Thank you that you are faithful even when we are not. Turn our hearts to you, stir our affections for you. Help us to receive your abundant love and respond with gratitude, living lives holy and pleasing to you.