
Presented by Lauren Stibgen

She extends her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy (Proverbs 31:20).

We find a very clear instruction in Proverbs 31:20. Extending leadership influence beyond the office and being charitable with your time, treasure, and talent to those in need helps you provide a good example to your team of how Jesus loved others.

I have the pleasure of working with a very charitable organization that allows us to match our donations for an approved charity. This not only allows me to amplify my giving locally, but it allows my team to extend themselves as well. The amount isn’t as important as the awareness the giving brings to common areas of interest and the ways all of us care for our community.

In addition to the charitable match, we also allow for two service days annually. We give our team members a day away to serve others in their community. What has been even better is that the team has also opted to support a charity together and serve as a team.

These are examples of both time and treasure, but how are you giving of your talent? 1 Peter 4:10 says as each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another. While there are many biblical gifts we could discuss, I would ask you think of something you are good at that could benefit someone in need. Are you a good cook? Maybe someone could use a home cooked meal. Do you enjoy connecting with people? Perhaps you could start a bible study or prayer meeting locally. Perhaps you are handy. Maybe you could lend a hand to someone who has a home that needs repair. Do you have executive skills like strategy and planning, finance, marketing, or technology? Maybe it is time you join a volunteer board for a non-profit that serves your community or a cause that is important to you.

I see women leading with open hearts every day. From serving in children’s ministries, to helping immigrants new to this country, working to solve human trafficking to foster care, and even literacy, these women take their talents to the next level. It isn’t about the financial donations they give, but about the extension of their talent with God’s love in their community and beyond.

Being a leader, you are also called to be charitable. How can you extend your arm to someone today?