
If you had an apple tree that never produced apples, you’d probably think something was wrong with it! As believers in Jesus Christ, if our lives are not producing the fruit of the Spirit, then something is wrong with us spiritually. So, I’m looking at the fruit of the Spirit, as found in Galatians 5 with some practical suggestions on how to make them flourish in your life.

#2 – Joy

I love C.S. Lewis’s definition of joy: “Joy is the flag that is flown from the castle of the heart when the King is in residence there.”

Would that describe you—that joy is something very evident in your life? You have to make it your goal to let the others know that the King is in residence in your life by being joyful. That means your face will be joyful, your words will be joyful, your attitude will be joyful, and your actions will be joyful. And when you are joyful, believe me, people will notice. It’s the best witness you can have for Jesus.

Pray joy into your life each day; ask God to help you focus on all you have to be thankful for, and don’t let the world and the devil steal your joy!!

#3 – Peace

Peter tells us that we must pursue peace—work at being peaceful, remember to refocus your mind on the person who is our peace, Jesus Christ. Remember this: Your day is won or lost in the morning hours. So, spend time each morning with the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, and in his Word, and he will impart his peace to you.

A friend came to know Christ because a co-worker was peaceful in the midst of a chaotic work environment. She noticed and finally said to him, “How do you do it?” He shared that it was his faith in Christ which made the difference and recommended that she read the book of John. She began to do that, and after a couple of months, Janet accepted Christ.

And it all started when one person was peaceful in the midst of chaos. What a testimony we could have to our world if we consistently displayed this wonderful fruit of God’s Spirit—peace!