
Have you ever worked with someone who was arrogant? A person who tried to tell you what to do and had delusions of grandeur? One of the many purposes of difficult relationships is to teach us needed and important lessons, and humility is certainly an important lesson we can learn through an arrogant co-worker.

The “Humble Yourself” Principle

In Luke 14:11 Jesus says: For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

And in 1 Peter 5:6 we read: Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.”

Have you learned to look for opportunities to humble yourself? Now, I’m not talking about false humility, such as running yourself down, or refusing to accept a compliment, or walking around with your head hung low and trying to look humble. But most every day we will find opportunities to humble ourselves. For example, if you work with this bossy coworker, it is humbling to keep your mouth shut and not say something back to him or her. It is humbling to take that person’s suggestion.

I began asking God to show me when and how to humble myself. It’s a good prayer and I recommend it to you. I found that not insisting on my “rights” was one key way to humble myself; not talking about myself or my accomplishments was another. Not having to have the last word is a good way to humble yourself.

But don’t lose sight of the promises given to us when we truly are willing to humble ourselves. We will be lifted up and we will be exalted. Notice that Peter said we will be lifted up “in due time.” That’s probably not as soon as you would like it to be, but it will be in the right time after you have learned the valuable lesson of humbling yourself.

So, if you have a difficult person to deal with, one who is arrogant or treats you in a condescending way, ask God to show you when you should humble yourself with this person. You’ll be amazed at the blessing it will bring to you when you practice this “humble yourself” principle. And humbling yourself is much easier than having to be humbled!